Better spare parts management through ECLASS
“In order for us to be able to manage a highly complex world of spare parts and achieve our defined goals, it is worth the effort to introduce the internationally established classification standard ECLASS.”
Initial situation
Efficiency in maintenance, which means on the one hand ensuring the proper operation of production and on the other hand optimizing the inventory and availability of spare parts to ensure the former. B. Braun Melsungen AG operates in a global production network and has production systems that are steadily becoming more complex. Non-uniform structures and master data resulted not only in the upkeep, but also in the involved procurement of processes worthy for improvement. Braun Melsungen AG therefore decided to a comprehensive optimization of long-standing processes. The classification of spare parts supplies has two key advantages for B. Braun Melsungen AG: Firstly, the purchasing power is strengthened by the identification of the global spare parts requirements. Secondly, the classification is a prerequisite for the determination of the optimal global stocks of spare parts in the B. Braun group.
The classification is performed globally, all production sites of B. Braun should have a harmonized database. To be well positioned internationally, B. Braun has chosen ECLASS, which serves as a classification standard for this project. In the first step, all spare parts master data are classified according to ECLASS. In this case, all existing materials are checked for duplicates and enriched with further information in order to achieve clarity, completeness and consistency of the data. The classified data are then deployed in the leading ERP system. For new materials, it is first checked automatically if this part is already available. If this is not the case, the material is classified according to ECLASS.
Mr. Heiko Gebhardt (Director CMMA) says: “For B. Braun Melsungen AG the classification of spare part information, that was introduced together with the partner D&TS GmbH, is the crucial step in order to achieve the necessary transparency for process optimization. D&TS is a specialist in master data management and classification, a.o. according to ECLASS. The stocks and related capital commitments are decreased with the classification of spare parts. Thus, a higher turnover rate of required spare parts is achieved. The optimal inventory levels for each part are visible. Thus, the potential for further types of spare parts at B. Braun becomes visible. The simplification of the operational processes by the ECLASS classification has also led to an increased user acceptance.
The company D&TS GmbH in Wuppertal was selected from different vendors; they realized the conversion worldwide. The use of the classification according to ECLASS will provide a uniformly high quality state of the master data in the various departments.