ClassCOCKPIT Synchro | D&TS GmbH


Keep data quality synchronized across multiple systems

In the digital age, master data quality plays a crucial role in the use of an ERP system, as errors in master data have an impact on all operational processes in the company. Master data must therefore always be up-to-date and consistent, as well as easily available and reliable. In reality, however, things usually look different: Changes are not implemented consistently. Errors occur when manually entering or updating data. With ClassCOCKPIT Synchro, you can easily and automatically synchronize your material master data and classification bi-directionally between two systems – and thus significantly improve the quality of your data.



More efficient processes
High data quality
Increased productivity in the departments

Synchronizing SAP classification and PARTsolutions

Do you already use PARTsolutions? PARTsolutions is more than a catalog database, and only with a synchronization you exploit maximum added value. Especially for companies which already uses or would like to use PARTsolutions in the construction, the ClassCOCKPIT IT solutions were extended by the Synchro module. Already classified materials or also new materials to be classified in SAP can be synchronized with PARTsolutions via the interface.

With ClassCOCKPIT Synchro, synchronization is simple, automatic and bidirectional.

At a glance:

  • Central master data maintenance and classification is possible
  • Material master and classification data from SAP are kept synchronized with another system
  • The data is transferred via IDocs, new data and changes are always provided in XML format
  • Use of other data formats such as text files, extracts from SAP tables MARA. AUSP etc. are also allowed
  • The success control takes place automatically
  • Transfer quantity, period, etc. can be specifically selected
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Technical requirements

  • Acquisition of an ECLASS license
  • PARTsolutions
  • PLMsynchro
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Your advantages using ClassCOCKPIT Synchro:

All employees have the relevant information available in your system at all times

Current and uniform master data with low time requirements 

Increased productivity of all departments throughout the company

Cleaned and transparent data stock (avoiding duplicates)

Fewer parts in the systems (creating less new data)

Process acceleration through shorter search times


Using this system solution, you can efficiently manage the range of assemblies and parts in your company. Parts that have already been used can be quickly and easily found, and can be reused. No additional costs occur for recreating or reconstructing them. Not only will you minimize the variety of your parts, but also accelerate your processes – and you will reduce your costs.

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Synergy effects of ClassCOCKPIT Synchro and PARTsolutions

Automatic creation of material master data from one source

Classification optimizes the part search for the Purchasing department in SAP

Classification improves the part search for the Construction department in PARTsolutions

Direct access to existing 3D models by linking the SAP materials to the PSOL catalogs

Fewer new constructions due to optimized parts search

Access to standard materials already classified according to ECLASS

Our consultants look forward to speaking with you

Please feel free to call us or simply send us your request by mail.