D&TS offers individuel solutions for various industries:
For you as a manufacturer, supplier or retailers of industrial components, data quality has long been one of the most important competitive factors. Because anyone who does not offer article data in the desired quality, formats and classifications will soon no longer be listed by procuring companies. Suppliers must have a thorough understanding of buyers’ evaluation criteria to be able to serve their needs. Complete openness and transparency are required in communications – on both sides. The shift in value creation is now transferring to data in addition to goods and services. As a supplier, you therefore decide not only on the product quality of your customers, but also on their process quality. In times of digitalization, you should consider data as a product or tradable asset and not as an annoying accessory. This is the only way to successfully establish your products in your own online store, but especially in important sales markets such as B2B platforms and marketplaces. And remember – here, too, you need optimally described product data to be competitive.
Online marketplaces are indispensable for manufacturers, suppliers and retailers in an efficient multichannel strategy – and not just since the Corona crisis. Previously, Forrester predicted that 66% of e-commerce orders will take place in marketplaces in 2022. Optimizing your product data/information is fundamental here. In marketplaces (such as Amazon Business, Alibaba, Mercateo, Wucato), you are in direct competition with other brands or vendors, hence the need to stand out as quickly as possible. Categorize your products so that they are easy to find, and state all your factual properties correctly. Think of images, titles, descriptions and keywords that will convince your customers.
ECLASS has established itself nationally and internationally as the only ISO/IEC compliant industry standard. ECLASS is the worldwide data standard for the classification and unique description of product master data. Product data is the central component in e-business. The precise classification of this data ensures that the products are classified into a uniform group structure. Among other things, this makes it easier to compare products with each other. In addition, product data classification can be used to describe a product uniquely by attribute, enabling a quick search based on product properties. The use of ECLASS as a “common language in e-business” provides significant support in increasing the efficiency of your internal and cross-company processes in electronic business transactions. The following overview shows examples of e-business applications in which ECLASS successfully optimizes your processes.
Many manufacturers, suppliers and retailers face the same challenges when optimizing their data quality. Which ones are you facing?
The information on your products is unstructured in your company. The constant search, collection and management of this important data cause high effort and costs.
To optimize your product data quality, D&TS combines all important product information from different data sources. The data sets are then transformed into appropriate formats for further enhancement to fill your business partners’ systems, marketplaces and PIM systems.
Your customers demand classified product data according to different classification standards (ECLASS, ETIM or UNSPSC) because these greatly simplify finding items by their properties. In addition, you need to provide different versions, map subject properties customer-specifically and convert values/units.
After an initial classification of your product portfolios, we provide you with the right solution to classify products autonomously. Furthermore, you can version independently, perform property mapping and convert values/units with conversion tables.
The creation/filling of different customer templates generates a high manual effort in the company because the individual adaptation to the product information (properties, values) and to the structure of your customers is not based on automatisms and rules. In some cases, information must be extracted from several systems and brought together.
With the D&TS IT solution, you can assign customer data to your data using an intuitive user interface. You can start an auto matching that uses sets of rules and maps classes and properties automatically. Mandatory fields, field lengths, data types or further criteria can be defined specifically.
The variety of file formats (xlsx, csv, pdf, xml, txt) and data formats (BMEcat, GS1xml, Datanorm etc.) relevant for your customers, electronic marketplaces and online stores is huge. They do not have flawless mechanisms for converting product data into the required formats.
The software from D&TS provides you with the common formats. Examples are BMEcat, CSV and XLS formats. Thus, you establish yourself in the e-procurement systems/processes of your end customers and deliver the optimal standard exchange formats for electronic marketplaces and online shops.
The amount and frequency of data to be processed is constantly growing, especially with increasing product variance. Without automated processes in product data management, you have a high and cost-intensive effort to update your huge amounts of data and process it manually for your customers and sales.
By using software that helps you optimize your product data quality and create customized product information, you increase the level of automation in your processes. This reduces errors and lowers costs.
You must provide numerous dealer platforms with different product information (data formats, classification standards and their versioning, etc.). You generate these product catalogs/information in very time-consuming manual processes.
With D&TS solutions, you can structure and automate your product data, increase your sales success and extend your competitive edge in e-commerce. You can respond individually to the requirements of the retailer platforms with regard to exchange formats, versioning and standardization and deliver data that fits.
The Asset administration shell is considered a central element in the context of Industrie 4.0. The Asset Administration shell is the technical realization of the digital twin of a component.
A smooth and error-free exchange of information located in the Asset Administration shell that is relevant for other assets is the central core requirement of every Industry 4.0 plant. This requires an open meta language with unambiguous semantics. An essential element of such a meta language are terms. In Industry 4.0, these terms must be present as properties in an informatic representation for the information world. ECLASS already provides both.
Position yourself in the best possible way by providing your customers and sales markets individually with optimal data or products. D&TS IT solutions are specialized systems designed to meet the requirements of material master data and product master data management. They consider all key aspects such as: flexible import and export opportunities, product data classification at class and property level, mapping of data to different classification standards, data quality control and a wide range of data migration options via special import and export functionalities.
Our SolutionsDo you want to automate your processes and thus drive digitalization in your company? But you do not have the necessary expertise and resources to classify products according to the ECLASS standard and thus optimize data quality? Then why not use our data service?
Please feel free to call us or simply send us your request by mail.
Sebastian Böttjer
Head of Sales & Project Management