ETIM | Efficient product classification


What is ETIM?

The dominant classification standard/model for the exchange of product data in the field of electrical engineering (electrical installation products, household appliances as well as consumer electronics) and related industries (heating, ventilation, air conditioning and sanitary engineering) is ETIM. In 1999, the German association ETIM Deutschland e.V. was founded to establish the Electro-Technical Information Model (ETIM) as a standard in the industry. The proficl@ss classification standard was fully integrated into ETIM (version 8.0) in 2020. As the oldest classification standard, ETIM has become much more important with the increasing popularity of omnichannel strategies. A growing number of companies recognize the need to structure their data to provide consistent information across all channels and deliver a seamless shopping experience.

How does ETIM work?


How is ETIM structured?

ETIM is an open and freely available standard for article classification, which enables a uniform and clear description of article properties. Through the ETIM classification, the complex world of products is presented in a detailed and uniform manner. This is the basis for efficient B2B sales processes, especially in online stores. In contrast to hierarchical classifications such as ECLASS, ETIM places particular emphasis on a high level of detail in the classes to describe products precisely. Classes are grouped only on one level, allowing easy and convenient search. Each class has a defined set of features, and each feature has specific values according to the data type.

Discover ETIM and check with us whether this standard is suitable for your company. Start strategically with our MDM Excellence Workshop!

MDM Excellence Workshop

Optimize sales and integration with ETIM data

When a wholesaler receives standardized and classified data, he can integrate it directly into his media-neutral database, which enables smooth use for online stores or catalog creation. Coordination of catalog content and product presentation becomes superfluous. Manufacturers who deliver their product data in ETIM format actively support sales success and significantly reduce communication efforts. ETIM data also serves as the basis for optimized IT processes and structures, as well as for further corporate e-commerce and online activities.

Advantages of ETIM

Eliminate data chaos

Thanks to ETIM, manufacturers and retailers use the same product and catalog database. Since the structure and the description structure are uniform and consistent, the need for previous time-consuming data formatting and adjustments is eliminated. Data exchange between all parties has never been faster and smoother.

Active sales promotion

Manufacturers who provide their entire assortment in ETIM format actively contribute to the success of their wholesale distribution. Since retailers receive cleanly standardized and classified data, they can feed it into their media-neutral databases without hesitation and use it again and again for online stores or the creation of catalogs.

Efficient communication

ETIM eliminates the need for lengthy and costly coordination of catalog content and product presentation. With just a few clicks, the retailer can easily complete the catalog creation process. Updates of product data are transferred to the database with one mouse click only.

Current data management

ETIM data provides the ideal basis for optimal IT processes and structures in your own company. Not only do they make it easy to supply trading partners with just a few mouse clicks; after classification, duplicates and obsolete data can finally be sorted out.

Safe investment

Since 1999, the ETIM data model has established itself as the leading industry standard in Germany, Europe and beyond. More than 1,000 companies in Germany already rely on ETIM; internationally, the number is much higher. ETIM offers a classification with outstanding investment security and long-term relevance in the market.

Open for other standards

ETIM facilitates seamless integration with other industry standards, such as ECLASS. ETIM Deutschland e.V. is a member of ETIM International and a close cooperation partner of ECLASS. The extensive mapping tables between ETIM and ECLASS are available to all members.

Improve sales and e-commerce now! Contact us for ETIM classification or mapping to other industry standards.

Our classification experts look forward to meeting you!

Please feel free to call us or simply send us your request by mail.

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