You have probably encountered the following problem: You would like to enrich your product data with important technical and commercial information and are waiting for the latest product data from manufacturers and suppliers. The end of the story is, you only get a completely unclear PDF. Those who depend on current and useful information have to laboriously structure the data manually or entrust a working student with this thankless task. Our solution for this issue: Connect to the ClassCOCKPIT Knowledge database and gain access to a wide variety of manufacturer/supplier catalogs. Access reliable and valid material and product master data, increasing your data quality.
To ensure that the logistics chain works and production does not stop, products and materials require high data quality. If this is not available, duplicates can occur, among other things, causing very high and unnecessary costs in material and product data. They distort the stock and manipulate the inventory. In addition, they prevent savings effects of large procurement volumes in purchasing, generate high costs in capital commitment and in processes.
As a result, the entire company benefits from complete material and product master data and clean standardization. Therefore, only high-quality data with the following properties is available in the ClassCOCKPIT Knowledge Database:
The knowledge database includes numerous catalogs and is constantly growing. For both existing and newly created materials, it provides classified standard and catalog parts and enriches your material and product data. An integrated mapping system connects customer data with catalog data.
By using ClassCOCKPIT Knowledge Database, you increase the level of automation in your processes and consequently reduce the manual effort and the error rate in data entry. With this central product database, you create the optimal basis for building and maintaining good data quality.
In a free 30-minute live demo, our experts will show you all the advantages of the product database and how it is connected to other modules and to your system.
Arrange a demo appointmentAre you a component manufacturer and would like to provide your customers with optimal data quality? Would you like to increase your sales and possibly use a multiplier? If so, please contact us. D&TS classifies your data and generates a property mapping. All we need is your data in Excel or BMEcat format. In addition, we can add you to our knowledge database and your customers will benefit directly from your data. An increase in sales is guaranteed.
Contact us todayPlease feel free to call us or simply send us your request by mail.