imh Data Forum: Master Data Management


imh Data Forum: Master Data Management

Data Governance | Data Excellence | Data Quality

The imh Data Forum: Master Data Management will take place on 24th and 25 th of October 2023. At the event you will learn everything important for Master Data Managers – in the beautiful „Schlosspark Mauerbach“ near Vienna!

The programmes of “imh GmbH” are tailored to the needs of the participants. They address the challenges they face every day and offer them expertise that really helps them.

The hot topics this year are:

  • Structural Challenges: Data governance in focus
  • ESG and sustainability in master data management: Preparation, measurability, quality and transparency
  • Business transformation: System transition on a technical and corporate cultural level
  •  Digitalization in data management: Artificial intelligence for master data?
  • Best practice examples from Miltenyi Biotec, Braun, HAUSER, ZEISS AG, INNIO Group and many more.

You can expect well-founded specialist knowledge in theory and practice. Don’t miss this opportunity!

And here comes the special news for you: D&TS is proud to be a sponsor of this event and is looking forward to engaging in interesting conversations with you on-site.

Your benefit: Note our code “DTS” on your registration and get a 10 % discount on the current participation fee.

For registration

Would you like more information?

Then you are welcome to call us or s Simply send us an email.

Stefanie Gers

Managerin Marketing & Vertrieb